Monday, February 20, 2012

"Sail Morotai" promoted in s Korea

TheNorth Maluku province would host "Sail Morotai" in 2012.

Therefore, during his visit to South Korea, North Maluku Governor Thaib Armaiynwould promote that international maritime and yachting event there, Acting Headof Morotai district, Sukemi Sahab, said.

"Governor Thaib Armaiyn are now in the Republic of Korea. During hisvisit, he will promote the Sail Morotai to the South Korean communitymembers," he told ANTARA on Tuesday.

The governor was in South Korea to join the Investment National CoordinatingBoard`s investment promotion mission. Besides that, he would also introduce theSail Morotai to South Koreans, he said.

For North Maluku, the Sail Morotai was a meaningful and strategic internationalevent because it would put the province on to the world`s tourism andinvestment maps, he said.

The comings of foreign tourists and sailors to the Sail Morotai events wouldintroduce the greatness of North Maluku province`s tourism and investmentpotentials, he said.

"For the Morotai Island district, Sail Morotai will positively contributeto tourism, investment, and infrastructure construction," he said.

In making the Sail Morotai get success, the North Maluku provincial governmenthad proposed a budget of about 200 billion rupiah to central government inJakarta.

The government`s funds would be used for preparing basic infrastructures suchas roads, bridges, airport, and public facilities to support the Sail Morotaiin a short time, he said.

This international event was initially introduced by President Susilo BambangYudhoyono when officiating the move of North Maluku capital from Ternate toSofifi, he said.

In 2010, the annual event of Sail Indonesia had a theme of "SailBanda" in which the Maluku provincial government was the host.

As part of the promotion strategies and ways to welcome the sailors, the hostdid not only organize communal festivities and cultural events but alsoprovided their guests with tourism and investment booklets.

Through this annual yacht event, Indonesia is expected to remain in the routemap of international sailors as one of the secure marine tourism destinations.

Over the past years, the Sail Indonesia`s participating international yachtsstart sailing to the Indonesian waters from Darwin, the capital of Australianstate of Northern Territory.

Among the participating skippers were from the United States of America, NewZealand, United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, France, Germany, Italy, andSwitzerland

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