Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hazardous Material

  • Follow the instructions on the label and in the corresponding Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical product you will be using in your workplace
  • Use personal protective clothing or equipment such as neoprene gloves, rubber boots, shoe covers, rubber aprons, and protective eyewear, when using chemicals labeled "Flammable", "Corrosive", Caustic" or "Poisonous"
  • Always use your chemical goggles and the face shield when handling chemicals labeled "Corrosive" or "Caustic"

Thursday, March 8, 2012

AC Motor Construction

Three-phase AC induction motors are commonly used in industrial applications. This type of motor has three main parts, rotor, stator, and enclosure. The stator and rotor do the work, and the enclosure protects the stator and rotor.

Stator Core
The stator is the stationary part of the motor’s electromagnetic circuit. The stator core is made up of many thin metal sheets, called laminations. Laminations are used to reduce energy loses that would result if a solid core were used.

Stator Windings Stator laminations are stacked together forming a hollow cylinder. Coils of insulated wire are inserted into slots of the stator core.

When the assembled motor is in operation, the stator windings are connected directly to the power source. Each grouping of coils, together with the steel core it surrounds, becomes an electromagnet when current is applied. Electromagnetism is the basic principle behind motor operation.

Rotor Construction
The rotor is the rotating part of the motor’s electromagnetic circuit. The most common type of rotor used in a three-phase induction motor is a squirrel cage rotor. Other types of rotor construction is discussed later in the course. The squirrel cage rotor is so called because its construction is reminiscent of the rotating exercise wheels found in some pet cages.

A squirrel cage rotor core is made by stacking thin steel laminations to form a cylinder.
 Rather than using coils of wire as conductors, conductor bars are die cast into the slots evenly spaced around the cylinder. Most squirrel cage rotors are made by die casting aluminum to form the conductor bars. Siemens also makes motors with die cast copper rotor conductors. These motor exceed NEMA Premium efficiency standards.

After die casting, rotor conductor bars are mechanically and electrically connected with end rings. The rotor is then pressed onto a steel shaft to form a rotor assembly.

The enclosure consists of a frame (or yoke) and two end brackets (or bearing housings). The stator is mounted inside the frame. The rotor fits inside the stator with a slight air gap separating it from the stator. There is no direct physical connection between the rotor and the stator.

The enclosure protects the internal parts of the motor from water and other environmental elements. The degree of protection depends upon the type of enclosure. Enclosure types are discussed later in this course.
Bearings, mounted on the shaft, support the rotor and allow it to turn. Some motors, like the one shown in the following illustration, use a fan, also mounted on the rotor shaft, to cool the motor when the shaft is rotating.

AC Motor Construction

Three-phaseAC induction motors are commonly used in industrial applications. This type ofmotor has three main parts, rotor, stator, and enclosure. The stator and rotordo the work, and the enclosure protects the stator and rotor.

Thestator is the stationary part of the motor’s electromagnetic circuit. Thestator core is made up of many thin metal sheets, called laminations.Laminations are used to reduce energy loses that would result if a solid corewere used.

StatorWindings Stator laminations are stacked together forming a hollow cylinder.Coils of insulated wire are inserted into slots of the stator core.

Whenthe assembled motor is in operation, the stator windings are connected directlyto the power source. Each grouping of coils, together with the steel core itsurrounds, becomes an electromagnet when current is applied. Electromagnetismis the basic principle behind motor operation.

Therotor is the rotating part of the motor’s electromagnetic circuit. The mostcommon type of rotor used in a three-phase induction motor is a squirrel cagerotor. Other types of rotor construction is discussed later in the course. Thesquirrel cage rotor is so called because its construction is reminiscent of therotating exercise wheels found in some pet cages.

Asquirrel cage rotor core is made by stacking thin steel laminations to form acylinder.
 Ratherthan using coils of wire as conductors, conductor bars are die cast into theslots evenly spaced around the cylinder. Most squirrel cage rotors are made bydie casting aluminum to form the conductor bars. Siemens also makes motors withdie cast copper rotor conductors. These motor exceed NEMA Premium efficiencystandards.

Afterdie casting, rotor conductor bars are mechanically and electrically connectedwith end rings. The rotor is then pressed onto a steel shaft to form a rotorassembly.

Theenclosure consists of a frame (or yoke) and two end brackets (or bearinghousings). The stator is mounted inside the frame. The rotor fits inside thestator with a slight air gap separating it from the stator. There is no directphysical connection between the rotor and the stator.

Theenclosure protects the internal parts of the motor from water and otherenvironmental elements. The degree of protection depends upon the type ofenclosure. Enclosure types are discussed later in this course.
Bearings,mounted on the shaft, support the rotor and allow it to turn. Some motors, likethe one shown in the following illustration, use a fan, also mounted on therotor shaft, to cool the motor when the shaft is rotating.